Cheer to ringing in the new year! We at Specialized Physical Therapy would like to kick off 2018 with another popular topic: New Year’s Resolutions. Yes, weight loss resolutions may be cliche but every great step starts with a commitment.What I’d like to tackle on today is what keeps you moving and committed past the initial difficult weeks; the debate over fitness versus fatness. Does what reads on the scale matter if you are choosing healthy behavior change, lowering your risk for diseases and potentially increasing years to your life expectancy?
To start, this has been highlighted by some big players:
So where are we with the controversy: We’ll some good news is here! Recent large scale studies continue to show that it’s not just about the results on the scale. Being fat and fit is better than being unfit, period! Yes, proper fitness across all weight groups have significant reductions for all cause mortality, even when compared to a normal weight, unfit person!
This chart is comparing the relationship between physical activity level, body mass index and cardiovascular disease mortality rates of almost 14,500 individuals tracked over 17 years.
Lower left bar (in red) is the normal weight, unfit group while the upper right bar (in blue) is the obese, fit group.
Bottom line: don’t be discouraged if the scale doesn’t tip favorably, keep pursuing this healthy behavior change and you will be rewarded!
Current guidelines for physical activity:
Adults: 1.) 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week
2.) And at least 2 days of muscle strengthening activities across all muscle groups
“You lose weight in the kitchen, you gain health in the gym”
-Tim Difrancesco, PT, DPT, ATC, CSCS
Former Head Strength and Conditioning Coach: LA Lakers
Further information: